Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I am getting new couches!!  Jeff bought the couches we have now before we were married....about 15 years ago.  They have been great couches but when your Dad comes over to visit and he would rather sit in your hard kitchen chairs because they're more comfortable, you know you have a problem or in other words, the couches have a problem.  Great excuse to get new couches, but not the whole reason.  My husband decided after having the couches for 15 years his wife deserved new couches. (Love him) Which brings me to my latest project.  I have been wanting to paint an old end table in our living room but couldn't decide what color to paint it.  Well, we bought some new pillows to go with the couches and there my dear family/friends is where I found my answer.

This is a picture of the table before the make over.
I do not like to sand so I applied two coats of this before I painted.  I am not a patient person so waiting for this to dry 24 hours between coats drives me crazy but gives the best results.
After I applied to coats of paint I attempted to do an antiquing glaze.  It is not perfect, but hey practice makes perfect.  Right?  Who knows?  It may drive me crazy and this piece of furniture may end up back in the garage at a 2nd attempt to make perfect.  OH but all that work!!
A photo shot of the pillow that will sit on my new couches.  This is the pillow that inspired me to paint he table the color that I did.  I love this color with brown and brown is the color of our new couches.  :D

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