Friday, July 27, 2012

CaNdY nEcKlAcEs

Today for "Fun Friday" we made candy necklaces that we all could enjoy while we watched a movie.  The necklaces consisted of peach rings, gummy life savers, chocolate covered pretzels and licorice string to string the candy on.  Any snack candy with a hole in the middle would work.  We thought of mini donuts but thought that would be too heavy and messy.  Also fudge stripe cookies would be fun to try.   The licorice string after awhile started breaking so we used yarn to re-string them so we wouldn't have to worry about the string breaking while we watched the movie.  The chocolate covered pretzels got a bit messy when the chocolate started to melt BUT we still enjoyed.
They have their candy necklaces and their 3D movie glasses on and are ready to start the movie. 
 I have had so much fun this summer doing these activities with my kids while they have been out of school.  Unfortunately we have had to do alot of these activities without my dear husband because he has been at work but we are so grateful he has a job to go to during the week and that I can be a stay at home Mom!
 I have also really enjoyed doing a blog.... more then I thought.
  I remember to get my camara out more often so I can save these fun memories. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


For "Master piece Monday" we made homemade GAK.  I was amazed that it turned out exactly like the stuff you buy at the store.  It included 4 ingredients....borax, elmers glue, food coloring, and water.  The finished substance entertained for hours, which is nice because that means no asking to watch tv or play with the wii.
Borax can be found in the laundry section of the store.  School supplies are on sale this time of year, it is a great time to buy elmers glue.

Finally an activity a boy would love!!
Hmmmm.....we have a science experiment written on the list of 100 activities to do this summer.... maybe we will count this.  Pretty cool stuff!!
I got this recipe and instructions on how to make this incredible GAK at
This blog has lots of cheap fun ideas to do with your kids!  

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Homemade facials

Mark off homemade facials off the list of our 100 summer of fun.  Two of my cute nieces get to come over and hang out with us for the next couple of weeks to do swim lessons with my kiddos.  I asked them what they would like to do from our list of 100 summer of fun to do list and they chose homemade facials.  Us girls had a great time and laughed so hard.  Garret wasn't too thrilled about the facials so he was our camera man.  He was such a great sport...I love that boy of mine.     
1 tbsp oatmeal, finely ground, 1 tbsp plain greek yogurt and a few drops of honey and you get a face mask that will cleanse and rejuvenate.  Ahhhhhh

Don't we look beautiful?  Haha
Here is a picture of the lovely paste.
The next facial we did was one that moisturizes and sooths.  2 egg white and 2 tbsp of plain greek yogurt.  It is wonderful to have our own fresh eggs from our backyard chickens.
This is very runny but when drys on your face tightens it right up.  Yeah, you know I need that.  :)
Good Times!!
And last but not least our friendly photographer who thinks us girls are crazy!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

One of the many fun things about summer for Katelyn is having her Tremonton friends come stay with us for a few days.  Her friend Chelsea came and stayed and they had a fun time hanging out and catching up with each other.  She really misses her Tremonton friends....they are great friends to her. 

Madison got a duct tape craft book for her birthday with loads of duct tape.  The book is called  "Just Duct Tape It" we purchased it on  It has a ton of cute duct tape projects to make and Madison has loved it!!  The instructions are a little hard to follow so Chelsea helped her put together some projects.  Chelsea is a VERY crafty girl and very talented in her young age.  Madison was thrilled with the end result.  Thanks to Chelsea for having the patience and helping Maddy learn how to use this book.  Cute, Cute, Cute duct tape purse was the end result.
A rotary cutter and cutting mat help tremendously with duct tape projects.  I always get nervous with a rotary cutter....use with caution.  Chelsea was so fun to watch make this project because she was so precise and very patient.  :)  Katelyn is excited to try out her talents with this now along with Maddy.

Two very happy girls!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

We had two back to back family reunions this year.  The Kitchen's and then the Pearson's.  For the Kitchen reunion we spent the weekend in Sterling, Utah in a beautiful Cedar Crest Inn.  We had fun playing games, eating, dancing, eating, visiting, eating, attending the Manti Paegant, eating, and creating fun memories.  Here is some fun pictures we took while we were there.
This Linden tree from Germany is awesome.  The kids had a blast climbing in it.

I love this picture of some of the Kitchen cousins!!  I am sad some of them couldn't make it and we didn't get them all in it.  Garret for some reason has a very sad look on his face...what is up with that?!  Garret either has a really cheesy grin or looks so sad.

The Pearson Reunion was great!!  We were able to spend time with Harold, Crickit and their cute family (as well as some of the other Pearsons)....we haven't seen them for a long time.  I am glad we got this picture before Hema and Norma left.  The quality of the picture is not the best...again I forgot my camera and used my cell phone.  We had fun spending a good part of the day at temple square.  Woudnt it be great if we could one day get all the Pearsons together at once.  We missed all those who couldn't make it.
I had to get this picture of Matt with his name sake Mathew Cowley.    What studs they both are.  I wish you could see the name plaque better on the right side of the picture of the apostle Mathew Cowley.

One of our "100 summer of fun" things to do was to make homemade butter.  As soon as the kids got up we made butter bright and early just like the pioneers.  :)  We grabbed the whipping cream, poured it in a mason jar, sprinkled some salt in it, placed a lid securely on top and we shook and shook and shook and shook AND shook until we had the finished product... fresh homade butter.  YUMMY!!